Personal Training - Anthony's Before & After
Here it is....Read below to find out why & how!

There is a misconception that personal trainers, especially the fit ones, are naturally in great shape and that it comes easy to them. I set out to prove this simply is not the case. We too have to work very hard at achieving AND maintaining a good shape.
After a few "busy" months, I found myself slipping further and further away from the fitness level that I had become accustom to for the last several years. How? happened. Missed workouts (whatever the reason), careless diet, busy schedule, etc....after all, I am human. About half way into losing everything I had worked so hard for, it occurred to me that I could use this as a motivational tool both for you, as well as myself, so I let it continue for a bit.
Twelve weeks "before the after", enough was enough, and I began my body transformation back to the fit shape that I enjoy. That's right--only 12 weeks! Let me rephrase that...12-fully committed weeks of training, both diet and exercises, no exceptions, no excuses. (There were the occasional diet cheat meals, but they were few and far between). Now, I do have an advantage over many in achieving these results so quickly, which is that I already had a nice built up muscle base that allowed me to burn even more calories/fat when I put them into training mode. However, anyone can do it on their own level. You just have to know how to do it.
I will say, the 12 weeks was very tough, and I had to say 'NO' to a lot of temptation and keep myself motivated. There were lots of training days, usually 6 per week, sometimes 2-a-day. BUT the hard work is over, done, finished. Now I can be more relaxed with everything and maintain what I've earned. I don't have to look back and say "I wish I had started back then". I leave you with this...don't say 6 months from now that you wish you had started 6 months ago. Make the commitment and make it happen now!
UPDATE....having now put on another 12 lbs, I am up to 224 lbs now. While I did gain some fat (about 1.5%), I have gained a significant amount of muscle mass. Note the thicker chest, back, and shoulders. I am now currently in the process of an 8 week lean out of the new muscle, which should yield an ultimate +8 lbs, or 220 lbs total. This new weight will be much thicker and yet leaner than the previous 212 lb after shot. Stay tuned for the results! Build It/