Get Your Fun Cup
Posted on Dec 6, 2010 by
During my first nutritional guidance session with clients, one of the biggest set backs is they are not drinking enough water. When I ask them why not, the usual response is, "It's boring" or "It's too plain". Well, I am here to help with presenting (*drumroll*)....the FUN CUP!
It is essential, during training especially, that you get away from the cokes, diet cokes, sprites, etc...and focus more on water. Water will not only keep you hydrated, but it will actually facilitate weight loss during a tough training program. You need to be getting in at least 8-12 glasses of water per day. The best way to do something that you hate, is to make it FUN! If you are a sports fan, pick up a cup with your team's logo on it. If you aren't into sports, just pick up an off the wall, silly glass that makes you smile. This will affect you subconsciously and actually help you drink more water. You will take pride in and get enjoyment out of your cup, thus carry it around and use it more. Before you know it, you will be getting in plenty of water. Come on, try have nothing to lose!
Also, protein is essential during any workout program to build lean muscle. It is often difficult to get in all the required protein during a day. Fortunately, we have supplements such as protein powder. DO NOT make this more difficult that it has to be. So many clients do not drink protein shakes because it is "too much of a hassel." They have to break out the blender, make a mess, clean it up, etc...WRONG! Pick up a protein shaker like the one here on the right. You can get them anywhere for about $6. They are quick, easy to clean and you can take them with you on the go to shake up later, like at work....AND it's also FUN! Build It/
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