Anthony's Menu
Posted on Oct 31, 2010 by

Almost every day someone asks me for an example of my daily food intake, so they can get an idea of what it takes and use that as a model for their own diet. That really depends on what I am trying to do: bulk up, cut fat, gain lean muscle, maintain, etc...Here is a sample day's diet for me 80% of the year, when I am mostly maintaining, while gaining small amounts of lean muscle. Keep in mind that I am 6'2" and 210lbs, so this is based upon my weight/daily caloric expenditure and may not be right for you:
5:00am - 2 scoops Protein Shake (Muscle Milk), 1 slice Wheat Bread
6:00am - WORKOUT
7:30am - 8 Eggs (6 egg whites/2 eggs with yolks), 1 cup Oatmeal or Wheaties with 1 cup Skim Milk, 1 cup Apple Juice, Multivitamin
9:45am - 1 Banana, appx 30 Almonds, 2 scoops Protein Shake (Muscle Milk)
12:00pm - 1 Grilled Chicken Breast, 1 cup Wheat Noodles, 1 Cup Marinara
2:15pm - 2 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 slice Wheat Bread, 3 Fish Oil softgels
4:30pm - 2 scoops Protein Shake (Muscle Milk) or 1 Protein Bar
6:30pm - 1 Grilled Chicken Breast, 1 cup Marinara, 2 tbsp shredded Fat-Free Mozzarella
9:00pm - 1 scoop Protein Shake (Muscle Milk)-- just before bedtime
I will also drink about 12 glasses of water per day. For the chicken breast meals, I will often substitute turkey, lean beef, salmon/tilapia or another round of eggs. I will also be the first to critique my diet here. I eat absolutely zero veggies. I am a very picky eater. The marinara counts as a veggie, but if you are using this as a model, you will want to add a couple rounds of vegetables mixed in with your meals. You may be thinking this is a lot of protein shakes in a day, but I am 6' 2" and 210lbs, so I require a lot of protein to grow and maintain muscle. It is hard to get that much protein in one day without the shakes. Again, this sample is for my maintain/small lean gains stage and is based upon my weight/daily caloric expenditure. Hope this helps! Build It/
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